Thursday, August 18, 2011

Which is the better speech topic for high school (year 12)?

I'd say should be allowed would make the better topic - you'd have more to discuss as the topic isn't whether they should actually be in the army, just whether they should be permitted. That way you could tie in women's rights etc while also commenting on having the right to choose whether or not they participate. But either way, it's an interesting topic!

Is it rude to say "No comment"?

I was at a dinner party and someone zinged me with a question that could have only received a rude and honest response from me or a polite one completely unattached from what I really felt. As a result, I just said, "Oh, I'm not going to comment on that."

United fans: Are you worried about tomorrow's lineup - Bebe and Obertan are in it?

Yeah Bebe and Obertan where terrible against an non league Crawley, they should have ran the game .... For an extra Million we could have Van Der Vaart instead of Bebe !!

Does he like me or what?

Ok so i like this guy and today in biology i help his notes for him so he wouldnt lose them and before he came in i set them on his desk with a pencil cause we were doing a lab well his friend came in and took the notes and i was like give them back! then he came in and i was like ___ he stole your notes! he got them back from him and his friend was like making fun of me for telling the guy i like that he took his notes and the guy I like said "shut the *** up" and i thought it was sweet that he was defending me and not letting his friend make fun of me like most guys would so does he like me?

After a certain age Nature wants us to die. Agreed?

Yeah you are right about new incurable diseases but as science improves there will be new cures. But you are right we are programmed to die at a certain age and our body want s this too.Everybody wants to live longer according to big numbers . So are you bored of living or do you think life does not worth living .

Was St Paul a doctor or a wine seller ? So why he promoted drinking alcohol instead of water ?

Water was not treated and loaded with germs. Alcohol killed the germs. Water was not safe to drink especially in crowed cities where it was full of human waste.

Can You Please Listen To This And Check If I Got All of The Words Right?

I didn't bother to read it all because I actually have a life outside of aswering questions, unlike some people on this site

What would make a credit card magnetic strip go all weird?

if its gotten close to a magnet it will de-scramble the magnetic strip and render it useless, just got back to your bank and they should be able to re-code it

How can i expand and tone my range?

I can sing but my higher notes sound crackly and not on pitch. I need to know how to expand my range and hit the note perfectly without a problem. Also I can do vibrato on the higher notes but sometimes it doesn't come out quite so clear. How can I make it so I can get the vibrato everytime. One more thing.. I find my voice to be kind of monotone. Is that just because my range is too small for the song? Sorry about all the questions but I'm really thinking of giving up singing. Thats why I need to know if these are problems you can fix.

Buying a Australian to American power socket converter?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Fahrenheit 451 quote.. again?

And something more! It listens! If you put it in your ear, Montag, I can sit comfortably home, warming my frightened bones, and hear and yze the firements world, find its weaknesses, without danger.

How to keep a leo/virg cusp?

cusp a better with cusp.. they r the hardest to please and keep because they have 2 3 personality just werid and flakey

Need help quick, 10 points to first which looks correct or is?

Why do you think the heart can get oxygen from blood in the coronary artery, but not from the blood in its atria and ventricles?

Why doesn't Nick Clegg make Gordon Brown beg to make a coalition now?

One of the reasons the LibDems won't be keen to form a coalition with Labour is that they've just been soundly kicked by the electorate - it would look bad to then help them carry on in the teeth of what a fairly large bit of the electorate wanted.

Could somebody get killed from a "throw" event from track n field like the javelin throw?

I'm sure they probably allow enough room for it, but you never know someone could just be ultra strong or be on steroids, or maybe some unlucky fellow might be walking when the javelin or cannonball or discus or hammer comes falling.

Child psychology question?

I have 2 nephews aged 4 and 6. Both have hijacked my comic book collection and I have no problems with that. These guys like my mickey mouse, donald duck, daffy duck books quite a lot. They also like Superman, Batman, Spiderman. They also like the amar chitra kathas- especially they seem to like all the rakshasas and Hanuman. Of late I noticed they have taken extra interest in the comic books featuring Wonder woman, Batgirl, Catwoman. Earlier this used to be both of them looking at the pictures and giggling naughtily at the amount of skin or the curves. Of late I find these cartoon girls have been descrated. These guys have been amplifying the physical attributes beyond the point of elegance intended by the original artists using their crayons. My threat of doing the same to Mickey Mouse has curbed the problem. Anyways their parents feel its nothing to worry about. Am sure the kids are very innocent. But should one take care of not exposing children to skin shows. Should one try to restrict what they see?

Oh I am so embarressed for texting this person who hasn't text back?

don't be embared maybe he has no credit or battery or he could just be busy. don't keep thinking about it, it will only make it worse. hey maybe he is ignoring you but you shouldn't be embared all you did was send him a text saying hi, nothing wrong with that.

William F. Buckley said "uhhh" a lot?

He thought it made him sound intelligent. Is it racist to now criticise the "same" speech pattern in Obama. I'd say yes. What do you say?

My question is why do people do erroneous things and later pray/beg to God for forgiveness.?

It is human nature to be self serving, cruel, mean, etc. But when you do things that hurt others or yourself you feel condemned, guilty, and you what forgivness. The point of having religion is having a relationship with God. I am Christian and I believe that a relationship with God starts with the knowledge of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Sometimes it is hard on us trusting each other and knowing who to trust, but there are good people still around.

I don't understand this commercial?

It's one of them twix commercials. It' goes "I don't think it's a good idea for Tiffany to be wearing white tonight haha" Her name probably wasn't Tiffany..I think it was though haha I just don't get it. What's so wrong with wearing white?

Lung Problem and inconclusive results to date?

Had DVT then lung embolism then pneumonia and AF. Shadow on lung where pneumonia was. Had CT scans and the shadow caused by pneumonia has got smaller. Dr cannot confirm remaining shadow. Had lung biopsy with inconclusive report. was told will need a bronchoscopy. Phone call from Dr to go and discuss treatment. Any comments please.

Description competition! Enter, please?

So she sat cross-legged on the beautiful gr and quietly observed the scene around her: It was a view right out of a Pico with the sky changing colors from bright yellow and red, to Sunkist orange, various shades of pink, and finally to purple and blue. The distant treetops swayed in the gentle breeze as wisps of her gorgeous brown hair flowed aimlessly around her. She closed her eyes and began to focus on the sounds of the steady stream nearby and found she could barley make it out over the soft breeze and joyful birds. The feel of the warm air as it caressed her body was soothing as a mother’s touch, each little sensation of gr beneath the sides of her bare feet a tickling discovery. And with each breath she took, she could smell the earthy smells of the outdoors mixing peacefully with the watery scents of the nearby stream. While focusing on it all, she became at peace and for once this week, was able to put her troubled thoughts behind her.

How do I decline being a bridesmaid in a non-friend's wedding?

You thank her very much for the great honor she has done you. Whether you like the giver or not, a gift is a gift, a complement is a complement, and an honor is an honor. You tell her that while you very appreciative of the honor she does you, you can't accept. Don't explain, don't apologize, just continue to insist that is it impossible, it doesn't work for you, etc.

High school boy trouble. =/?

He might actually get closer to you if Hayley rejects him, because you'd help ease his pain, and he would be more dependent on you. Plus, he thinks your pretty! Thats a great sign. Go to his soccer game tomorrow like you normally do. If he ends up asking you, tell him you don't like being the rebound girl, and see what he says. He'll probably say something really sweet.

In light of H.R. 1207 to audit the Fed achieving a house majority of cosponsors...?

After seeing what happened between Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, the Federal Reserve, and The Board of Bank of America, I believe the Federal Reserve is far more dangerous than a nuclear bomb in the hands of Osama bin Laden.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Potential redundancy/sacking because of non performance?

your performance has nothing to due with the submitted budget and forecast.however the performance may have changed due to the fact that climate has know presented problem similar to banging your head off the wall. with this in mind why don't you refine and streamline you marketing approach which will then put your performance back up in stats due to more positive response from a more streamlined and stronger financially secured group. it is going to take some work but obviously from the info provided you like a challenge but there is nothing like being prepared

Can you become a cop in IOWA if you were convicted of a felony and it was expunged?

10+ years ago a felony of forgery, but was expunged from record 5 yrs afterwards. Read somewhere that if it's been expunged, it never was - so if/when filling out application, does one put that they've never had been convicted of felony, or arrested? Or can they still see that on your record after it's been expunged?

My grandfather had an Iron Cross which he 'won' in WW2: what does this mean?

When I was a little boy he used to show me an Iron Cross which he always said he'd 'won' in Normandy. Now before anyone states the obvious no he did not fight for the Nazis, so does his having this medal mean what I think it means?

Would this be a good page to say on the behalf of my dead dog?

I thought this was excellent! Everyone will enjoy it! Sorry about your Buddy... I hope all is well for you and your family!

Lethargy, hindlimb weakness, peripheral oedema and green urine in ferret?

Hi. My veterinary nurse has a 2yr old male castrated ferret who has suddenly become very lethargic, is eating only small amounts, has developed green urine and peripheral oedema. I have x-rayed him and no sign fb. he has an enlarged spleen. Seemed tender on palpation of his bladder and is pyrexic-temp 39.5-40.5. He is currently on synulox and gentamicin. Help...where do we go from here- my knowledge is very limited???

Does suppression all emotions and feelings do you harm?

i suppress all my emotions and feelings mostly bad ones. i talk to noone as i find it very hard to. can this harm you mentally..?

Help please do i have a case for a tribunal?

my boss verbally warned me about emailing my wife whilst she had been addmitted to hospital with an internal bleed following the birth of our twins. i did not email her again and now i feel i am being bullied to resign. he told me he is only keeping me at work as i have new twins. he is verbally screaming and told me that i am a misfit...this verbal abuse is happening daily. do i have a case for this? i have never had any problems in a job and i am doing exactly what he asks and then he tells me its wrong..its a game. the company are very big and i am still on probation.

Can you name me some exotic, uncommon names? READ DETAILS?

Teachers have the right to their privacy darling. If she doesn't want you to know, then let it be, you could get into trouble with her if you carry on.

Whether it is essential to have 512 mb ram for installing a all-in-one prnt-scan-copy?256 mb ram wont do ?

my coputer (amar pc brand) 3 years old.the dealer said that the all-in-one cannot be installed unless i upgrade it to 512 mb ram.1) if i do this whether it w ill harm my computer? 2) whether any brand of all-in-ones can be installed with 256 mb?

WDYT of these name combinations?

Sorry, but to me, they did not make sense. You just combined completely different names. Oh and Audrey Anne sounds like Adriana. Just giving out my opinion here.

How i cant gently tell my ex that i never gonna take her again?

they give me psychopharmake to make me want her,.. she left me hanging on for so longer while i wanted her so much.. even if it was her fam its still the same outcome... and money other things... but the worst part is i cant play real online poker... for that i never take her agaIN:: I MEAN she was awesome and everything.., and when ever i dream of doing her, its like totally different than any other women, and whenever i think of it its like she is much more present.. its totally weird, and her cuteness makes me so hot... i you know i want to do her so hard, but its weird. its totally different its like banging a teddy bear.. but to be verry honest.. i never NEVER.. gonna take her back.. how can i tell her?? i mean serioously i love poker more than anything else.. and they faked it, not to mention my brother wich i hate.. SO I NEVER EVER TAKE HER, WHATEVER HAPPENS THERE IS NOTHINGg that can happen that changes that, and that will ever make me take her again.. so how can i tell her??.. i pray to god that she read this so she knows its now all over baby

Fellow Sonic the Hedgehog fans?

There hasn't been a decent Sonic game in at least 8 years (not counting SSB: Brawl), so whatever it is, don't expect much.

Can an abusive mom and neglectful parent regain custody of thier child after signing over guardianship?

I am going to court the end of the month after a 16 month battle to keep my grandchild from going back to her mother who was convicted on felony child abuse charges and her father who was charged with child endangerment and abandonment. Recently both parents have expressed thier concerns about..."somewhere down the road we would like to raise our daughter" they are not together and are with 2 insane individuals as well. Do I have to live in fear that in a couple years-after this baby has been with me for 3 or 4 years that she will be ripped out of my life. This baby is my life!!! We have fought this battle with everything we have. If anyone can answer I would really appreciate it!!! Thanks in advance.


It is a scam! A good way to know if a lottery or sweepstakes is a scam is this: If you didn't enter it , You DIDN'T win! There is no "automatic" entry or "randomly" selected email that is legitimate! Do not reply to any of these emails.

WHY are Haynes and Chiltons books SOOO WORTHLESS--4Runner Fuel pressure?

Ok so I made the HUGE mistake of buying a Haynes to help me out, and the Chiltons I borrowed is JUST as useful when it comes to information. Does anyone know how to check the fuel pressure for a 1987 22RE system?? Both of the books say to check the fuel pressure by unhooking the feed line at the fuel tank and testing pressure at the pump. This is fine if I wanted to know the fuel pressure at the pump, however I need to know what the fuel pressure at the INJECTORS is, if the pressure regulator is bad it wouldn't matter if the pump worked properly or not for pressure as the system would never build pressure at the injectors since it would just flow right back to the tank. So like I asked if you know how to check the fuel pressure at the injectors on an 87 22RE please let me know Thanks.

I need decorating ideas for our baby nursery!?

We just found out we are having a girl and we are very excited. We unfortunately live in an apartment for the time being and can't paint, phooey. But I know that we can be creative and think of other ways to decorate and make her room cute! First of all the colors are pink and brown. So far I have come up with a very cute crib set that is pink and brown and we're going to get a bookshelf paint it all pink and paint the shelves brown. I'm also going to get wooden letters that spell out her name (ALANA) and paint them brown, drill a hole at the top, then hang them from the wall with pink ribbon. What are some other cute ways we can decorate the room that I haven't though of? Thank you for your help!

Why can't the U.S.government see that China cannot be competed with?

...on average I thing they pay their citizens 10-15 yuan a day.that would be about a dollar or two in American dollars.How come our government wouldn't or couldn't see that they are burying our ability to manufacture?They must of known jobs would be lost?Why would they do it if they knew the U.S.A. would suffer?Are we now destined to be a DOLLAR STORE NATION?

Do u think i should wear a kimono to prom?

i wanna be set apart from all the other senior girls, most of them will have on gowns or dresses that are way to short... i wanna look different cause i am....thanks

Crypt Stud??????????

They had to go way up into my colts belly- they kept him for a couple of days and sent him home with antibiotics. He just had to be kept away from the rest of the herd, so he had stall and corral rest. That way he didn't get kicked, and didn't run like an idiot. after two weeks we turned him out and he was fine- and his brain surgery was a success! much nicer horse afterward!

Help please, i don't know whats wrong with me. I think i might develop a physcoual disorder?

Letting go over her was kind of stupid. Just try talking to her. Try to find a girl who seriously likes you, not just wanting .

Atheists. Why would anyone nearly 2000 years ago even think that man would be capable of destroying the earth?

when the means of doing so didn't occur for mankind until just the past 100 years or so since entering the "Industrial Age" so that he would write those words down at Revelation 11:18? Man did not have the means to pollute the earth, cause oil spills, cause Global Warming, climate change, did not have the means to deplete the Ozone, make toxic land fills(Love C), make toxic by products, or pollute our oceans, he did not cause nuclear wastes, or nuclear disasters(Chernobyl). There are huge Texas size garbage floats in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. We have cars,trucks,planes,trains,lawnmowers,rot… blowers, and so on, all contributing to air pollution. None of these things existed nearly 2000 years ago so that man would be capable of destroying the earth, so why would anyone even think it possible? Why would they write it down? Add that to the end of days prophesies of Matthew 24:4-14 of which we have unceasing wars now, earthquakes of significance are on the rise, people are starving and malnourished even in wealthy nations as the U.S.A., diseases are on the rise and ones once thought eradicated are making a comeback, and then the prevailing attitudes of men in the last days found at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and I have to ask, How can you deny God's existence. No one would have even thought such things nearly 2000 years ago because they did not exist at the time. But God knew and had his prophets write them down as a warning for us. Are you ready? The time left is short.

After having a emergency ceasarian section i developed a big blind boil on my stomach, followed then by ?

headless spots all on one side of my stomach and down my leg on that side, they are appearing more and more please help

If the Arizon immigration law is so successful why are the other border states not getting in on the action?

They are waiting to see what comes of it. If Arizona thrives, the flip-flop politicians will jump aboard. If it fails or Adolf Obamination puts an end to it, they kept their nose clean. It's a spineless politician thing.

() Where do I go from here? (Please Read Details)?

The support group sounds like a great idea! You don't have to dress in a way you don't want to. I would definitely start looking into not only support groups, but people you can just be with and have fun while being yourself. Maybe a nightclub scene, or just a group of friends who are comfortable with your trans-ness, and who you are comfortable being around. Just get out into the world and be who you want to be!

Question about terminix?

so i moved into a 700 sq foot apartment, and ofcourse since im in college i deserve to live with roaches lol...not! So , i tried everything...bait, raid, bengel..and boric acid. The boric acid did an amazing job..the only ones im seeing are tiny tiny nymphs. I'm pretty sure the number has gone way down. Terminix called and claimed they could definately wipe out my roaches completely, but obviously that wouldn't have aneffect on my neighbors. I want to know if its worth paying an initial 112 bucks, and a recurring 79 a quarter payment to have terminix come help me...or should i just move out haha. I may as well move into a cheaper place and THEN call terminix right? nah, b/c then i lose my lovely deposit. So, any advice is needed...I hate roaches, and the only thing i hate worse is not being able to sleep knowing they are around when i have cl at 8! lol thanks

Do I have a right to a profit made by a shop owner when he bought and sold my stolen gold coins?

My home was burgled a month ago. Thieves were caught and confessed last week. They had stolen some gold coins that once belonged to my dad. They sold some coins (other coins have yet to be found) to a coin shop and the shop RESOLD the coins to a smelting company so my coins are now totally gone. In my mind, whatever PROFIT that shop owner made over what he paid the thieves for the coins is TECHNICALLY my money. I asked the investigator about this and he said, "Possibly... we could TALK about this all day..." basically brushing me off. It's not MY fault that the shop owner fell for a stupid story from a thief... (said he worked for a recycling comp and these GOLD coins were found in the recycling... PLEASE... anyone that owns these coins would NEVER even ACCIDENTALLY throw them into the recycling bin!) Is it at all possible to get the money for my coins from that shop owner? The thieves should owe him restitution for the money he paid them. Why should I have to pay for their crime?

Can i go into High school as a good QB?

5'8 and 140 is a little short for High School, chances are you will need to run cause you won't be able to see over your O-line.. 140 may be good for jr high, but when you have 200 pound linebacker and 180 pound cornerbacks and bigger D-linemen sacking you, your gonna want some weight.. I would say bulk up as much as you can from now, until the start of next school year.. you sound like a good leader, but the height/weight ratio may be an issue in high school.. and an 82% or so completion rate is great, but how many of those completions were to double/triple covered receivers and not wide open ones. The high school defenses aren't going to have as many holes in their play as junior high defenses.

Doesn't liberty include both social and economic freedom?

I want free will, not to be coerced by government mandate. The federal government shouldn't take my money or tell me what I can or can't put into my body. All social and economic interaction should be voluntary, no government interference.

GHD Midnight Collection vs GHD IV styler .. help please!?

I found a site the other day called which I thought was brilliant it compares all the prices of GHD.s currently on the market so I got them at the cheapest price!

Are there pagan roots in Judaism? - Part 2-?

Jesus him self said (you are of your father the first murder from the beginning) that would be Kain of Kain and able it says eve was beguiled buy the serpent that meant the first child was of the devil . she again gave birth to able that means they were twins but not of the same parents ask any Dr if this is possible for though who say they weren't explain why they both came to the age of accountability at the same time it all there in the Genesis buy the way it also says the serpent beguiled Adam to that's just wrong but that the serpent.

Can you help with this food web tell be what eats what . Thank You for all your help :)?

food web dolphin, right wale, bacteria, copepods, eagle ,jack, mullet , pelican ,shrimp, shad , phytoplankton

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anonymous posting on psc?

i was once on postsecret community chat and someone posted using an anonymous username. i remember the signature gave the pword and a note about using it respectfully [or something to that effect]. does anyone know what that username is?

I'm playing sims life stores and I invited theheadmaster of the school over for dinner HE WON'T LEAVE!?

He just stood there after I gave him a tour and schmoozed for a bit. So now I can't get my points for dinner because he won't eat! ITS UNNATARUAL! I've tried everything! Calling him over for dinner but everytime I choose an action for the headmaster it just utomatically deletes the action and it's says that time has ran out. Why isn't he gone? Can someone help me out? Tell me why this happenning I NEED HIM GONE! HES UGLY! PLZ! HELP!

Hey can anyone name some popular animated music videos?

it was showed on the IMF channel and it was sung by a girl and it was animated like a cartoon can anyone give me a list of animimated music videos they've seen?

GUYS AND GIRLS! Why hasn't he made it official?

maybe because he is more mature than that ---- im sorry this whole "official" thing is rubbish ---- when you care for someone when you enjoy their company when you love them labels dont matter ---- its how you feel for each other and if you feel you need a certificate or whatever to mean that you are together then as far as im concerned you dont really care for me --- if you did then what other people think does not matter ---- if a relationship to you is how other people see you then i feel sorry for you ---- put some pion into your relationship and worry about each other rather than how other people see you

Overstocked? What to add?

i would suggest you keep SOME fry and don't get more fish. it could help with water conditions if you add live plants. you should clean half the filter weekly and do 1 third of water change weekly if you would like to keep all the fry. it would be better if you change as much water as possible without stressing the fish. i'm pretty sure that would help in the future when your fish drop.

What is wrong with me?

You should definitely take a step back and reflect on what you want to do in your personal life. Your professional life appears to have worked out for itself. You should reflect on personal life and realize what it is you want in a mate (try writing it down if it all seems too much). Don't let your minor romantic & dating failures set you back, everyone gets the chance to love again. Once you land that romantic relationship take it day by day and give it 100% of yourself. As long as your happy with yourself that is all that matters. If I were you I'd take a vacation, then come back refreshed and think about everything you say and do before you say and do it. Trust me nothing is wrong with you at all, we all face common issues we have to overcome. Always reflect and do what works for you!!!!

What mmorpg's would i be able to play on this?

I will be honest and admit that I have an Acer Asus Eee PC Netbook and I am able to play Fiesta Online (MMORPG) and GunZ: The Fuel (MMOFPS) just fine. You just gotta make sure you have at least 1 GB of RAM and a decent graphics card. Some games like Runes of Magic will lag like hell because they work with high-quality graphics cards and big resolution sizes. So just find MMOs that have low minimum specifications and you will do fine. People will be picky and say "netbooks can't play anything on them". Truth is you CAN but don't expect superior gaming quality. I've enjoyed playing games on my netbook :)

Isn't it Ironic,we speak truth,don't know it.Then dying then,we cherish time spent with others.?

All my life I said "That's my sh*t, get your own sh*t." Place my sh*t high so nobody messes with it. Yet, I've never see no one on a deathbed saying "If I could just kiss my car bye. The house...can't leave my house look how much it costs?". Death is always about our love for people. Yet, people always came in second compared to things. And a life of saying, "My Sh*t " means exactly what things are worth. Sh*t.

Anybody play Pokemon Emerald?

Can anybody give me the code for gameshark or by any way get me the way to get the Birth, Southern and Faraway islands? Please i need to get tose pes! thx for reading.

Favourite Maynard Keenan band?

The mans a legend with many different bands showing many different aspects of his personality and creativity whats your favourite Maynard Keenan project ??

Why ask about becoming a tattoo artist if you don't want the truth?

A lot of people ask about how to become a tattoo artist, and want to know the specifics. However, when they see how tough it is, they get upset at the people posting. Why ask if you're not ready for the truth? Do you want to hear the truth or do you want someone to sugarcoat it and make it out to be the easiest job in the world to get into?

Were you satisfied by yesterday's Royal Rumble? + HWE Velocity results!!!!?

I was extremely satisfied by last nights Royal Rumble match and pay pe view in general, mostly because Edge (my favorite) won the Royal Rumble and will win at WrestleMania!

Of all the guys in the tag team tournament?

Will any of them stay long term? I really want to see more of Amazing Red and Doug Williams! And must say that this is a better character than the gladiator gimmick that Magnus debuted in....

Short high heels with skinny jeans? Good idea?

nope, in my opinion short high heels dont look good at all. Since im asian too and we all know that asians are not tall, i like wearing high heels to make me taller..

What did the Republicans learn from Obama's "long form" Birth certificate that they didn't already know?

I mean what was so F'ing important that they all had to squawk their heads off incessantly? What was SO important that they JUST HAD to see the "long form" BC? Also, what were the "shocking" things that Republican hero Donald Trump was learning about Obama's birth? He hasn't announced them yet, so I'm wondering if anybody knows?

How do you refill a bic lighter?

I heard that they do it on little carts like hot dog stands in cuba and I know that it is possible so don't say they can't be refilled.

Is my Csrss.exe infected? Computer virus slowing down my computer. HJT scan included.?

Read this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and I've found noting wrong in HJlog. :)

How many days will a mail from Ghana, West Africa to reach Philippines?

I have mailed an enveloped, airmail, to my home in Banga, South Cotabato, Philippines with a zipcode 9511.It has been one month since June and my wife did not receive yet.How can this agency help me?I trust this mailing system since my childhood. How can it be today?

Do minors (18 yr olds) who aren't even driving have the right to refuse a breath test?

The US Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the police lying to suspects. The officer did nothing wrong.

Will someone please email me and tell me if it works or not?

I dont understand...if someone emails you from this site via the "hidden email address" does it go to your yahoo address that you are using or to your alternate? Someone left me a comment on my 360 saying I needed to verify my email address...but on my edit page it says I need to verify my alternate address...I dont want email going to my alternate...I want it going to Yahoo , just like they do when I get a "Best Answer".....did I just confuse the hell outta you?

How easy or difficult is it to envision God as no 'thing', no person,?

God is Spirit. He is invisible to mankind and self-existent. He lives outside of time. Mankind can only see God if He chooses to reveal Himself to them. The spiritual dimension is something beyond man's physical senses. Mankind needs to be imparted with the life of God to engage God. God bless you.

Ballet under arm shaving?

i have just started ballet again, i do shows and that as well and when we did our last concert i noticed when i shave compared to everyone else who's armpits look like there never was hair there before mine have like darker coloring under the skin. and its hart to shave every bit off even if i do shave different directions, i will feel really self conscious please help.i know theres waxing but then thats waiting for it to grow each time, really hygienic and i just don't feel comfy please help x

Where can i buy cute skinny jeans?

Ive usally qo to pacsun. Ive wanted to qo to Forever21 because the ones onlinee are Superr cute. But yea i need shops like that are everywhere like aeropostale or somethinq but i need cute skinny ( i likee them really tiqht) jeans. Please helpp nd if Anyone wants to say or your a wh0re cuz you like really skinny jeans you can suck it :D

Agility handlers: How do you keep focus in the ring?

I had a similar problem with my first dog I trialed. He was an intact male, and at trials would get easily distracted, and was great in cl. What finally worked for him, after trying many things. I would run the course as if he was with me, and we were having a ball. Of course he was sniffing, or doing his own thing. It was pretty embarring, but it did work. After a while, he would stop and watch me running, then run to catch up to me. I would just pretend he was with me all along. He then started running with me, but wouldn't take anything. Again, I just acted as if he was perfect. We did a jumpers course with him taking every other jump. But he was staying with me, so I did not correct anything. He eventually started taking everything in trials, and was a very easy dog to run. It was a long road, but it did pay off. Jim Mills (DOCNA) was one of the people that told me to try this. I used to do a lot of DOCNA and NADAC, but not any longer. I do CPE (very nice to newbies) and AKC mainly. Good luck, and don't give up. Clean Run has a special issue magazine on focus, some very helpful articles in there!

What does "satchels of gold" mean?

I was watching "The Real Housewives of New York City" and Kelly said something like "satchels of gold" and I don't get it.

Have you ever lived in North Carolina? Did you love/hate it?

Hola, como estas? I'm from Spain, so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I live in the USA right now, but i am moving back to live in December or January. I also love Mexico, I have an uncle who moved from Spain to Mexico and Loves it there, He lives in the Island of Cozumel. There are MANY Spaniards living in Mexico, believe it or not. I love going. Please don't let anyone talk you out of going to Mexico, it is not as bad as they make it seem. That is why Mexico has the largest American expat community in the world, I believe it was more then 2 Million Americans living in Mexico. Sure there are part that are dangerous, but in all honesty, what countries don't have that? I go there every once in a while, and have never felt any danger. Hope you enjoy. I myself hope to go visit Mexico again soon. Saludos.

Will he be charged for jail since im underage?

Where I live if people are charged with ault they can plead guilty and pay a $100 fine. My guess is that based on what you wrote here, the charges will be dropped. The incident seems petty and if you won't cooperate with the prosecution, they don't have much of a case. I wouldn't worry about it.

Dont you admire Arabs respect for non Arab Muslim women?

the arabs that i know respect everyone, regardless of race, culture, religion, etc..and they have respect for THEMSELF

Who are your top 10 heavyweights of all time?

Your choice would be similar to mine only instead of Jack Johnson i would have Rocky Marciano.The man never lost a championship fight so he must be in the top ten.Also instead of Ernie Shavers i would put in Gene Tunney

Should i straighten my sakura wig?

i just got my sakura wig, is pretty but is all fcked up.... is curly and puffy!!!! not straight at all =p and i wonder if is fine to straighten it with my hair straightener, i heard it would melt but is it ok if i straighten it in the lowest tem?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Will he get my letter at basic training?

This might sound like the stupidest question to ask but i have been writing my man at basic training for about a week and a half now and just noticed the return address on his letters is different by one letter. Instead of PVT (name) its PV2 (name). what does that even mean? i've just been putting PVT thinking that was right then noticed one of the envelopes had something different. i think the only one i messed up on was the last one i sent where i think i just put PV instead of PVT by accident, im pregnant so my mind has been a little out there lately lately. Anyway, just wondering if he'll get my letters or not. Its like an oops my bad. I may just be paranoid but its been a long time i've written letters you know? i only want to keep him up to date on the status of my pregnancy. Any input would be nice thanks. =)

My xbf wants to stay in touch with me.. So is it a good sign that there are some chances?

Or he just cares for you as a person. My boyfriend now wanted to keep contact with his ex b/c they were together for so long and he cared about her and wanted to remain friends. He didn't want her back at all, just wanted to know she was doing OK. Well, that wasn't what she wanted, she won't acknowledge him as a friend.

Is there a no kill animal shelter for our cat?

This is really sad, but my boyfriend and I have to get rid of our cat. She has been fixed and given her shots. She is not abused and was shown a great deal of affection. She is about a year and a half old. She has always been slightly aggressive. We found her in a tree stump abandoned by her mother, bearly alive. We bottle fed her and she grew up to be a well nourished cat. Right before she was fixed, she became aggressive and attacked me like a dog. After she was fixed, she turned on my boyfriend about a week later. We have tried feliway, and following the vet's advice. We can't afford a pat behaviorist. Her attacks are unprovoked and random. She will be sweet, then something inside her will switch and she will go nuts. We have to keep her locked in the bedroom because she is a danger to us. It's not fair to her. We just don't want to put her to sleep. We just want her to be happy. We love her very much, but we have decided that we can no longer co exist. What about friends of cats? Can they take her?

How to download torrents faster?

I know to choose ones with more seeders and to increase the bandwidth allocation. I use bittorrent on my 25mbps download verizon fios internet.

When printing in ms word (mac ed.) is is possible to print 4 4x6 cards on one page?

i have 4x6 index cards that are perforated and would be much easier if i can print 4 at a time. please help

What is right & wrong with conservatism today ?

Yeah, it's incredibly mixed up at this point and both parties are effectively useless and the constitution at will for whatever purpose works at the moment.

GUYS - Whats losing your virginity like???

always known that for the girls it hurts e.t.c yet is so precious to them,whats it like for you guys? exciting or nerve wracking?

Can you Please Help me create an extra page for vampirefreaks info?

check out they have a lot of info on there about that kind of stuff and if they dont you could always ask them

Am I making an average wage?

I have a bachelor's degree and a full-time office job. I'm salaried and older than you, but if you crunch the numbers, my pay comes out to between $12 and $13 per hour. Congratulations on making bank!

Smoking (pictures of the dead) Discrimination.?

Now the gov in the UK are to enforce the above will they also be putting health warnings on cars,alchoholic drinks,and even hopitals warning of the dangers of hospital addmission,MRSA etc,Yes I am a smoker but can I claim that the gov are causing me stress,along with motorists,drinkers.are we living in the ultimate nanny state.Sorry about the rant and no I am not planning to give up my filthy habit.PAX.

Can I over-winter a chinese hibiscus in my enclosed but, uninsulated sun room? If so, details please!?

It can not get below freezing and it will need a light source. I keep my larger plants in the garage and have a cheap heater that has a thermostat to kick in when it gets below 50. I have my smaller plants in my greenhouse and it also has its own heater.

For high school kids. is my life insane or what?

okay so last year my best friend was RC. this year i only have one cl with her so our friendship is withering away. Now even though i love RC to death (friend way, not attracted to) im starting to think CB is my best friend. so RC and (new character) EB were going out for 2 months, my birthday was their anniversary. EB breaks up with RC and KM who was going out with CB decided to break up with CB because "she was too good for him" so now my two best friends are boyfriend-less and complaining to me. so a day goes by and RC decides she'll go out with JS (apparently she liked him when her and EB were goin out) on and off (3 times) for a week JS and RC are kinda wishy washy. RC recieves a text from JS that says " i love you. how can i get you to love me back" and RC didnt reply. the day before this happened CB and EB decide to start going out. so now CB and RC probably have some issues in the back of their heads ready to burst and im torn between the two. here comes the events of this week. CB and SH go into the bathroom to talk about something CB was mad about ( i dont understand that) and i followed them because i was gonna go have a laugh and say "hi im felix" (mine and CB's insider) but turns out when i go in the bathroom i hid behind a wall by the door and they didnt hear me come in and i heard this whole big conversation that i wasnt supposed to hear about SH liking GK even though she's going out with KE and shes thinkin about breakin up with KE cuz they were having troubles. GK being some kind of moron goes and tells KE. SH figures out from KE that RC likes him... now RC being the headstrong go-getter that she is says "i dont care if SH is going out with him, i like him. screw her" so now all my friends have issues with eachother and im i the middle. on top of that i have like loads of make up work to do, my mom scream at me at least 8 times a day (no sarcasm. she really is one of the toughest moms ive ever seen) my friends grandma and uncle died in the same weak and my boyfriend broke up with me when i wasnt even expecting it. oh and im nearly ineligable for basketball. my life is insane right? or am i just insane for thinking that?

Good mtb street/park bars and stem?

deity, they are super slick and strong. cool colors too. mine have taken a beating and they still are not bent.

Who's going to Kardamena in Kos this summer 2009?

omg Kardamena is awesome. Many many non Greeks there but fun either way. I wish i could go this summer

Which kind of Chinese Crested Dogs are easier to groom?

I know that the hairless ones need sun screen in the summer and their tufts of hair need to be brushed a little, but what are the grooming requirements for the powder puff kind?

Discrimination for employees?

My boss recently posted a notice stating that the employees of his place of business are no longer allowed to use their EBT cards (on or off the clock) yet he accepts them from customers... Is this legal? How can he allow that? If it isn't, how do I turn him in? I asked him about the new regulation and he told me that it is a new law..?

Hair up or down?1?!?!?!?!?!?

i like it down ... and please stop making the dumb faces in pictures like every other girl ages 12 to 17

Driving Permit Question?

My question is about the eye test. I'm definitely nearsighted, but not to the point where everything is dead past 5 feet. I can see fine without gles when I'm riding in a car, so I wouldn't want to get that restriction for gles slapped on my permit. Does anyone know what I can base the eye test off of? I'm not sure what exactly my vision is, so I would like to just be sure at home before I take the test. If I put a bunch of letters on a piece of paper (you name what size the letters would be), how far away would I have to be to p the permit eye exam?

My daughter is allergic to nuts. What could I use in place of pine nuts in pesto?

Bulgur is a quick-cooking form of whole wheat that has been cleaned, parboiled, dried, ground into particles and sifted into distinct sizes. Bulgur is a nutritious, versatile wheat product with a pleasant, nut-like flavor and an extended shelf-life that allows it to be stored for long periods. This would make a perfect replacement for pine nuts in your pesto. You can find bulgur at most grocery stores or specialty stores.

Am I too tall for my boyfriend?

Hi my name is Kandi and I'm 18 :) I'm 5-4 and my bf is 5-5 1/2. Do you think I'm too tall for him. I cant wear heels because they make me a little taller then him

Hot chocolate effect question from Halliday chapter 17 (#6)?

I would expect the frequency to be proportional to the velocity of sound which is proportional to the square root of bulk modulus or sqrt(dp/dV), so (dV/dp)s/(dV/dp)i = (1/0.333)^2 = 9.

Stereo help!!! speakers cut out when i turn up my volume and stop working andall i hear is my subs playin?

I just answered this question for someone else. The problem is the impedance of your speakers. Stock speakers usually are 8ohms or more. This allows cheaper factory head units to use a two channel amp and a speaker level fader to split power between two speakers (or more) on the same channel (front and rear). The new head unit has four dedicated amplifier channels meant to run at 4ohms (just like aftermarket speakers). What this does to the head unit's amplifiers is it reduces the output by 1/3 (maybe more). You are over driving the head unit, trying to drive higher impedance speakers to achieve the volume that is expected out of them. The only way to rectify your problem is to purchase aftermarket speakers that are 4ohm.

A question for Bad Wolf?

Yes she does, as do i(not as much) with Spurs and Barca. How is that wrong? How is supporting two teams in the SAME league ok? Obviously she's a United fan first and if they met, she'd support United as would i with Spurs but there's nothing wrong with being a fan of a team in another league. It's not like she's a die hard Barca fan it's just that she lives there with everyone she lives with and all her friends supporting Barca so obviously she's going to take an interest to them. Grow up

What are my chances at being accepted to these colleges?

for having moved around so much your GPA and activities are great. just fix that SAT score and you will get into most of those schools

How to stop frauds, scam, cheating?

You have been scammed, you lost money, self esteem, pride to con man who makes his living off cheating trusting women. He is a commusate actor and he's played this role many times. He knows what you want to hear and as soon as he has your complete trust the subject of money comes. You think nothing of lending it to him because he is such a gentleman. I'm saying all this so that maybe you'll stop blaming yourself for what he did to you. The very first thing you need to do after you've read this message is to call the police.He may have a warrant out for his arrest all ready. If you just sit back and beat your self up you're just giving him [ permission to do to other women what he did to you. If the police can't do anything right away at lest you will have the satisfaction that you took the only option to you. You are a very kind and trusting woman it;s disgusting that someone would take advantage of you.

Need help with Java String/Array?

I would use 2 StringTokenizers. The first one would us a comma to break your string in to "name=value" elements. Then, for each element, the easiest thing to do would be to either use another StringTokenizer (fast, not efficient) to break the "name=value" strings. You could do it the harder way by looking for an '=' as well.

Are truth these things that speak in the American films?

This is just a stareo type of Americans . It's like saying that brazilians have everyday every 30 minutes.

How could i tell if m African Dwarf Frog is pregnant?

I noticed a few days back that my female ADF has a big belly. I thin she is pregnant, because he other frog is male. How could i tell if she is pregnant or just fat? Also, she darts around the tank really fast.

Western Pleasure show ring etiquette?

Just simply p the person in front of you without cutting them off. Circling or completely cutting across the arena is looked down upon in pleasure cles.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Old 1968-1970 Keystone Minibike, questions?

i need to know what what was in that bike because i want to restore it and i want to know how to start it, still the same from 1968 but in better condition

Hells Kitchen: Slimey Ade?

I personally think he reckons he has it in the bag. He has a sarcastic comment on everyone, but is all smiles to their faces. My opinion of him has completely changed, as I wanted him to win at the beginning. Not now though. I would love Linda or Danielle to win, if only to wipe the smug look off of his face. Besides, them two ladies outshine him every time. I bet Jennifer Saunders squirms every time he back stabs.

My kissing gourami and blue/three spot gourami?

No, they cannot interbreed. Not only are they not the same species (Kissing Gourami= temminckii, Blue Gourami= trichopterus), they are not even in the same genus (Kissing= Helostoma, Blue= Trichopterus), making them not nearly as closely related as Blue, Pearl, Snakeskin, and Moonlight Gouramis (T. trichopterus, T. leerii, T. pectoralis, T. microlepis, respectively). The kisses you're seeing are most likely small battles for dominance, which will continue until one wins. If you have a 40+ gallon tank, it should be fine, as the loser will have space to retreat (and the Kissing Gourami will have room to reach its adult size of around 8").

Is there any way this could be a good car?

Treated well, any car can last for longer than a majority of cars that are traded. With the increase in technology and manufacturing techniques a vehicle should be able to top 200,00 easily.

Whats a Good Motorcycle school in HOUSTON TX that can help me learn how to ride and get my License at the same

I want to learn how to ride and also get my license. I live in Midtown. i am willing to drive to the outskirts if i have to. If you know a good place, i would be happy to hear. Thank you

Does any over-the-range microwave have a powerful exhaust fan so it can handle steam, etc. from all burners?

We have a small kitchen in our cottage and wanted to get more counter space by moving our microwave from the counter to over-the-range. The exhaust fan on our over-the-range microwave is so weak it works marginally for exhausting the back burners of our range and does nothing for the front burners. We had a repair person come out and he said our fan is working properly and added that over-the-range microwave fans "don't do a very good job". The appliance sales person told us that the exhausting capabilities in the over-the-range microwaves aren't as good as what you can get in the new over-the-range exhaust hood type units (which I can understand), but I find it hard to believe that the fan built into a new appliance isn't as good as the 20 year old vent hood that we replaced. Have any of you found an over-the-range microwave unit with a powerful exhaust fan? Is it possible to replace the motor in my current unit with a more powerful one? Thanks for any help and guidance you can provide.

What if any are the bad or rough areas around sarasota florida?

Within 6 months I will be moving from the south side of chicago down to sarasota fl. I wanted to know what areas should i stay away from while apartment /condo shopping.

Teenager therapists..?

Best of luck, but Yahoo Answers is simply not the best place to look for therapists. I would suggest talking to a school counselor- if they can't help you, then they can reference you to someone who can.

What is your favorite drink concoction?

I was just wondering what your favorite alcolohic beverage you just fell upon after mixing different things together. If possible, include the recipe :)

Pls Impart several acronym using in formal letters?

Some very common acronyms used in formal letters are RSVP which are the letters for Respondez, si vous plait, which is French for Respond, Please. There is also ASAP, which means as soon as possible and SASE, which is short for Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.

What is purpose of your life?

Everything does not have a instrinsic purpose, only the purpose we give it. I don't really have a purpose, but i like to do new things, be social and enjoy life

What do i need todo?

Okay im 15 years old, and im an okay/decent singer. Im more of a screamer, i scream the correct ways. To make sure no vocal damage, but I need to learn how to sing better. I can sing grunge, to saosin or dance gavin dance. I dont know scales or ways to sing, but i do sing correctly (so im told) with my stomach, since it tences up or flexes when i sing. I need to know how to learn this. i dont know where to take lessons or where to find a vocal coach, I dont have alot of money. Just alot of will power. thanks

Tooth filling color????

Not sure what he put in but it sounds like a temporary. If they were to refill the tooth, all of the old temporary would be removed and the white tooth colored bonded filling placed. Because the tooth had a root c you would have no pain from the drilling. They may also want to put a crown on the tooth and could use a porcelain crown that would match the shade of your teeth.

Cyst on my guinea pig...worries?

I have a 2-year-old female guinea pig who has a small (pea-sized) cyst on her back. She's had it for several months, and I don't think it's gotten any bigger. Otherwise, she is a healthy, happy, pleasantly plump piggy. I am a poor college student so I don't want to have to pay any unnecessary vet bills, but I also want to take good care of her. She shares a large, open cage with another 2-year-old female guinea pig who appears to be in perfect health, and their diet consists mainly of guinea pig pellets. Any thoughts or suggestions?

A kind loving woman, who's Japanese parents taught her only love matters. God condemns her to burn forever

I'm Christian and I was never taught that anyone outside the Church would roast on Satan's B-B-Q. That's just stupid. I think you are confusing fanatics with regular Christians like Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, etc.

Aiutami tradurre questa frase per favore.?

Into which language are you wanting to translate it? I might ume Italian, but you could be going for something else.

Please rate my money league team?

LMMFAO you got granger at 9? he's top 5 in most drafts. Steal? That's is an understatement in the most. not a huge fan of randolph, and with the mix in memphis, who know what you'll get from him. Lee and villanueva will play a ton and are solid pics. You'll be set when Lewis is off his dope suspension. Not a fan of oneal or iverson.

Any drills and excersise to help me get fit and skillful at soccer?

work, work, wrk. practice, practice, practice. work on your shots, long , touches, finishes, air game, and everything in b/w.... run sprints, long distance... ball control

Anybody know the name of this 1930s fashion icon?

I remember reading an article in Bazaar I think it was, about a woman in the 1930s who wore Schiaparelli for a while, then stopped to design for herself and she didn't care what people thought and often did the opposite of what fashion was telling her to do, also she wasn't very pretty and I can't remember her name, anybody know?

Wrong age on credit card?

Ok I apply for a credit card when i was 17 and I did this because i wanted to get good credit by the time i was 18 so i was i was bron a year before i really did turn 18 but I pay it on time always and always in full and now when I look up my credit report it says in bron in 1989 not 1990 what should i do because its not like im opening them all up and maxing them out and not payign for them i am thankss.

What does an empathetic person mean?

Empathy is the 'capacity' to share and understand another's 'state of mind' or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself. Empathy does not necessarily imply compion, or empathic concern because this capacity can be present in context of compionate or cruel behavior.

David Cook and David Archuleta???

I know that David Cook won American Idol, but who do you really think will be more successful, David Cook or David Archuleta? I know that David Cook signed with Nokia and David Archuleta signed with Jive. Who's album do you see yourself buying? 10 points to best answer!!!

How can i get my Terrapin back in the habit of basking properly?

Normally, I suggest a slab of wood wedged in the tank at a slight angle, with the basking lights above the dry end. If space is too limited for this, look at the "Tank-Topper" and build him something similar.

What is a ten-key punch speed (SPH)?

That's your typing speed on a regular 10-Key calculator, like the one on the right of your keyboard...

Help with a project...?

I'm doing a project for my AP European History cl and I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for food to make. The project is about four works of art: Mona Lisa (Michelangelo), David (da Vinci), Man Pointing (Giacometti), and LHOOQ (Duchamp). (Man Pointing and David are sculptures, Mona Lisa and LHOOQ are paintings.) The food has to be relevant to the topic somehow and my group wants to be creative. Ideas?

Will Sidney Crosby ever come close to beating Wayne Gretzky's records?

Well Sidney Crosby is only twenty-one and he was a all-star when he was a kid.he had a room to help him practice his shots.Wayne Gretzky holds all the records in the NHL.Will Sidney ever come close to beating Wayne's records?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What are some common misconceptions or FAQs about Catholics?

What do people commonly construe when they think Catholicism? What are common misconceptions about Catholics? Common is the key word here.

Is it going to be love triangle for two serbian beauties and one serbian clown? i mean (jelena novak and ana)?

they are hott, they goodlooking, they rock the court and thats why they are centre of attraction, isnt it intresting to see them loving one another!!! so who according to you is goin to make a bigg impact in future?

Does anyone else find that the more successful you become, the more difficult it is to find a good partner?

Interesting that guys face this sort of problem. If your story is any indication, smart, successful women might not bother with smart, successful men because they don't have to.

Is a Haynes Manual the same as a specific model service manual?

I just want to know if I have to actually purchase a specific model service manual or is the Haynes just as good because I own an obd2 tool and it always says to refer to your service manual.

Navel piercings? Anyone who has one i have a question!:) 10 points:)?

I'm 17 and i LOVE the idea of getting my navel pierced. i like piercings but i think too many is soo soo trashy. I have three so far two regular ones in my ears and one extra one on the tip of my left ear. I think one navel piercing and then thats it as for as far as piercings go would be perfect. My mom is super strict i got the tip of my left ear pierced on my 13th bday only on the two conditions that i kept my room super clean for a whole year before that and the other condition that i get NO other piercings:/ So i'm getting my navel pierced on my 18th bday since I'll be an adult:) and i was wondering how bad does it hurt ? I really want one but the idea of the feeling makes me cringe. also is it true that they really peirce the top of the belly on if you have an innie?

What's the best way to keep a house well ventilated?

The most common way to do it is to open every single Windows. this works obviously... but I have came to think if opening only two windows in opposed sides of the house would create an air current which would be better that opening all the Windows.

What is the name of the following logical fallacy?

Christianity...well...religion in general really...they can all find excuses for themselves, while they condemn others to hellfire and damnation.

Where would I be able to find a dress like this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is there a secret LSD connection in the Manson-Tate murders?

Cleaning my clroom chairs?

I cleaned all the chairs in my clroom yesterday, but they still look dingy. I used soap and water and a de-gumming cleaner, but it didn't help much. They are plastic and textured. The brighter colored ones look terrible because I can't get the gunk out of the tiny grooves in the plastic. Is there something I can use to brighten them up?

Pool heater says lo!.?

LO can mean a low pressure/flow error. make sure your filter is clean and pump is running. try turning power on and off, otherwise you will need to check your pressure switch on the pool heater to ensure it is working accordingly

Anyone seen the new JayZ video with Dale Jr and Danica Patrick?

It wouldn't be that bad if Danica Patrick wasn't in it. If they get racecar drivers to be in a video, then at least get a driver that can actually win a race! She hasn't done anything except pose for magazines almost naked and she can't even win a race. Besides, she is ugly.

Who are 5 of your favorite female rappers? (no groups and ppl who arent rapping)?

My favorite Female Rappers are got to be Missy Elliot, Eve, Nicole Scherzinger, and Monica. Monica is the female rapper who sang the female version of Lean with It, Rock wit It. It was cool.

Do you like these names?

hmmm , ' Clara Rosabelle Grace ' sounds beautiful . . . and Ashton sounds better , Ashley is too much of a girl name .

Good rappers to listen to.?

i finally found what i consider real rap like last year after i got off this mainstream ****. im listenin to the clics everyone knows, nas pac big krs, name as many other ones that i will like. real rap please no mainstream garbage. i want to hear every rapper thats worth listening to so name everyone you can please thanks.also important albums by the artists you namewill be nice too

Bathroom ventilation fan?

I need a ventilation fan put in bathroom, electrician says it's safe to install outlet hose in roof vent ( at peak of roof)--I just got a new roof & am worried about about mold --so far # 1 MAN said put it in soffit #2 said put it in gable end #3 man said to put it in roof vent --I'm so confussed

Why does the gay community think that dems are their (politically speaking) friends?

I ask this as an independent with a friend who is very involved with the log cabin republicans and I had a hard time grasping how he could be a Rep and openly gay - when I asked, he chastised me with - You just did the same thing they (dems) do. You happen to have a uterus is abortion the only issue you consider? I also own a home and pay taxes, and a business and have a family and have a child in public school there is more to me than being a gay man... How long have the dems been in control in this state?(we are in New England so it is deep blue) Can I get married? Why not? Because we are tools and in most cases fools - get back in your bax come out when we tell you who to vote for.... I never thought of it like that. Any other opinions??

Friday, August 12, 2011

Military Families?

being separated by distance. also, wondering why there are so many misguided liberals who not only have no understanding of why we do what we do but even refuse to support our mission to defend freedom at home AND ABROAD which is the oath we took when we volunteered to serve this great nation! are either for us and our mission or you're against us GET OFF THE FENCE.

When did blowing up family, friends & neighbors amount to matyrdom and victory against the enemy?

It never was a martyrdom or a victory against any enemy. It's all about being fooled by their leaders using religion as an excuse and who never did want to use themselves as "human-bomb" in the first place. It's insane!

Which Amp will work best?

i had that alpine in my old setup and it was great. with that said Rockford is a great company and i would say that you should go with the rockford because they actually underrates their products, they are almost always more powerful than the rating on the box. in the end these two amps are very good choices.

LGBT: I let it slip that I'm a tad gay....?

I'd say to call him, if he doesn't answer, and sends you to voicemail tell what you were going to say to him to the voicemail or do *67 so he won't know it's you and either listen to your voicemail or pick up.

How do I upgrade my PSE Optima bow for recreational shooting?

I have a #66 PSE Optima recurve bow at 35lb draw weight and I like to upgrade its draw power from 35lb to 50lbs for competitive shooting. I went to a archery tournament and saw them use different limbs to shoot and I was wondering if i can attach a PSE competition limb to the take down riser to increase the draw weight

Michael Vick and the eagles...?

Is it just me or the eagles are shitty without vick so far all the games he fully plays in he wins we were doin great till kolb comes in and ***** everything up we loose when he plays cuz Vick is 2-0 when playing and kolb is 1-2 cuz he dosnt play at all when vick is in and we ALL know kolb aint touchin the ball especialy since they are the nfl's bird rivals and its Vick's former team he knows there defense way better then kolb know the eagles defense and plus Vick is sick with his feet hes been the fastest qb for 9 years maybe not maybe for 2 yrs but that doesn't matter and he got a cannon for an arm and know hes acurate also and plus like what tony dungy said there o-line isnt that great Vicks feet is what keepin him from being sacKed AND DID YALL SEE HOW HE SPUN THAT ***** IN THE POCKET at the lions game the crowd GOT LOUD WHEN HE DID THAT

What should I wear to The cat Dolls concert?

You should dress HOT. How about tight jeans, a low cut tank, a super cute scarf. Maybe curl your hair. Wear mascara and eyeliner for sure. Good luck!

Another question about .?

ok here is another question i have about . How do i start it? like what do i do to hint the girl that i wanna have ? or what do i do to her that she will like? how do i know how fast to take it or what she likes or wants me to do to her? and anything thing else i forgot to ask about this you guys can feel free to add in. no rude comments please. im just curious. thanks :D if you wanna talk further my AIM screen name is Cpt skurvy Thanks again!

What was your last awkward moment...?

well we were at a family dinner when my son asked if i hav a because if i did and it was over 6 hours i need to go to the hospital yes to much info on tv commercials for adult meds every one laughed thank god and my husband got to give that little talk he he he

Is this apathy, schizoid, introvertness..?

All schizoids are introverted, and all schizoids are apathetic usually. Maybe Schizoid, check around the web for people with poor social skills or lack of social interaction.

Cheerleadingg Help.! Please.! :( Read Description :(?

You should practice the split a lot. If you stretch you legs well it my become easier. What I would do is sit in my split while watching tv our watching something entertaining so you dont think about any of the pain. When you are doing splits like that make sure that your knee is under your leg and not out to the side. That is what my gymnastics coach always tells people. Remeber to warm up before you stretch because you would not want to stretch a cold mussle.

Is an FN FAL restricted in Canada?

I want to buy an FN FAL but I don't have a restricted license are they restricted even when they are semi auto and non detachable mag? If so where can i buy one?

American Beauty question..?

Ok anyone who has seen American Beauty knows that Col Fitts, shoots and kills Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey's character) at the end, the one thing i dont know (and maybe no one does) is why? (phobia perhaps?)

The Big One of them all...?

Evidence tends to lean towards a more gradual splitting of the continent; a process that probably took some millions of years to accomplish. Somewhat similar to what's occurring under the Great Basin in North America right now. The continent is splitting apart and in 20 or 30 million years the west coast will be somewhere around Battle Mountain, Nevada.

Ford F150 electrical gremlins? recent failures of electrical accessories.?

I have a 2000 ford f150 Lariat 4x4 and recently funny things have been happening. one component or other fails for a while then comes back. It is as if the electric power to the component is gone and then maybe 5 minutes later it comes back. What is so unusual is there are several accessories that are affected at different times. The affected Accessoriess are the radio, power windows, windshield wipers, interior lights, odometer display, right side power door lock, and today the truck will not come out of park with the brake pedal depressed and the engine running. The check engine light has not been on (therefore no OBD codes) but the ABS anti lock brake) light has been on the dash for the last 2 weeks. Any insight into this? I am totally perplexed and know enough to fix the problem if I only knew where to start. I would appreciate someone's expertise.

Okay I'm from Houston and I went on a field trip in grade school.trip was to caves and caverns with a?

slanted house but it was still level. I cant think of the place. Now I'm a parent and I'd love to take my kids to this attraction and wife also. as alternate email

IF Timothy McVeigh agreed with Obama would they be friends?

You have to take into consideration that many of the dems only get their political info from the main stream media and they're not about to mention Ayres. The question should be do you know who William Ayres is? I'm sure all too many have no idea.

Should we bring back severe punishments for crime in this country? Not death but real hard labour?

Let people know that crime is in fact a punishment. Make them sweat and toil out in the elements and feel really exhausted at the end of the day. No tv or snooker or games. Actual punishment for crime. Would this have any effect?

I have a beagle.. He's 3 years old, Is there anyway I can train him to behave outside?

I have a beagle named snoopy. He's 3 yrs old. He never listens to me outside. He walks horibbly on the leash. He barks and growls at other dogs. He doesn't listen to me when I call his name. He maybe getting too old, But my friend managed to train her 4 yr old beagle! I never asked cause a year later I got mine, and the same year ehrs ped away. And she says she forgot, and dislikes talking about him. How can I train Snoopy to walk good on a leash, listen and the other stuff i asked ^ ^ ^ ^ ^?????

Question for you guitar experts out there- LP and Strat?

I currently own a Mexican- made strat and an Epi Elitist Les Paul, and I was wondering if there was a guitar out there that had all the features I like about each guitar. Strat- I prefer the feel/shape of the neck to the LP a lot, plus the better upper fretboard access. For the LP- I love the tone from the mahogany/humbucker combination, and strings are a lot easier to bend with the jumbo frets and smaller scale (24 3/4" vs. 25.5"). I play a lot of rock and metal, which is why I use the LP more (strat single coils don't do it for me), yet the thick neck is really uncomfortable. Now if you've made it this far, here is my question- is there a guitar out there that is the best of both worlds? Mahogany body, humbuckers, short scale, and strat- style neck? My price range is $500-1000 USD, and I run it through a Traynor YCV50BLUE 50 watt amp. Any and all help is appreciated.

I need the meaning of the word arcane! please o pretty please help little ohl me?

i have a report due and need to know what the word arcane means! i looked in the dictionary, and online but i cant find it! help!

Does Conservatism have a future?

Conservatism DOES have a future, a very BRIGHT and Enlightened future. As for Rothbard, well, his opinion...... he is entitled to, as we all are for as long as America is free. I freely disagree completely with Rothbard who needs to upgrade his opinion just a bit..........

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What year did Gwendolyn Brooks write the poem "to the Diaspora"?

The original version of the poem was written for the 10th anniversary of the Broadside Press, which, according to some quick research, was founded in 1965.

Winter skin!?

Take salt and extra virgin olive oil and exfoliate your whole body. your skin will be soft, moisterized and smooth. After that every night before bed put on some evoo and be prepared to be amazed at how your skin will look and feel.

I like this guy but he has a gf?

Why dont both of you leave him alone. Find another guy that doesnt have a girlfriend and your friends dont have a crush on him. this guy (the one with the gf) is pointless to go after =]

Anyone that is good at rapping,do a freestyle to a song called LIMELIGHT?

im making a song called limelight and its due tomorrow i need help with you guys.. you can do 1 verse or freestyle

Jews, why is the Book of Psalms usually neglected?

I'm not saying it's entirely neglected, but I've asked many jews and they usually focus primarily on the Pentateuch (not that is wrong) and these strange writings like Talmud, Kabbalah and Zohar. I heard Talmud might be part of the Oral Torah, but what in the world is Kabbalh, Zohar and these weird mystic jewish writings? Anyway, I'm sure jews read a few psalms for ceremonial and service purposes but I they don't seem to 'deeply' converse in the Psalms, while I met many Christians that do.

Beauty Counters?

I am thinking about applying to work on one of the beauty counters in a department store (in the uk), what make up brands are the best to work for? I quite like Bobbi Brown and Laura Mercia... What do you guys think? x

My phone is blocked and i have to enter the puk code, but i have tried to get it from the orange website?

and i can't get registered there and have e-mailed them about this and they said the number is not recognised by them and that they would phone me up to help but as the mobile i have is the only phone i got i can't do that, so is there another way to get the puk code?

NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHICH CAMCORDER!!!?

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How do I stop my past from ruining my relationship with my boyfriend?

i think you should really sit down and talk it through with him. ask him for his opinions and see if both of you can face this together.

A question for the men of GWS?

I don't see an issue here. It only shows that she's -positive, which is good for the 'relationship'.

Can someone help me with song writing.?

Dude. Sorry but your not giving anyone enough to work with. You would need to hear the music and actually think. My advice is get a singer and he can write the lyrics. Oh yeah and if he has a keyboard that's in right now. Oh and don't go all gay like the Jonas brothers go real Rocker.

I really want to do it?

I really want to have . I'm a virgin and I've been kinda horny lately and I'm not with a guy but were kind of friends with benefits for over a year. I've known him since preschol and he's a really good friend. Maybe more. In afraid I'm a nymph or something. And how do I bring it up to talk to him about it? Peace

Can union bumping rights be used when there are vacant positions available?

I work in the criminal justice field and my department has been experiencing budget problems because of the economy. The department has issued an abolishment of position which has created several bumps to have taken place. The person who holds the abolished position does have more seniority than I by several years, but we work within the same division/clification. That being said, is he able to utilize his bumping rights when we currently have three vacant positions within our division or should he have to take an open spot? I have read the our collective bargaining agreement and it does not address either way what happens if there are vacant positions available. Please note that this process was forced by our union steward to take place.

Removed a Trojan from my wifes laptop, and now there is another Admin account?

After buying Norton 2010 to remove Trojan horses, there is a new administrator account on my wife's laptop named ASP.NET We can't figure out how to remove this user from her system. The new admin has reset several settings on the system, including the Microsoft Auto Updater. We do not want to do a system restore as it will cause her to lose over 3 years of pictures that can never be replaced of our children. If there is any way what-so-ever to regain control of this computer, please let us know so we can at least get her pictures off the system. Thank you.

Bioshock or waht game?

any cheap game around 30 bux. like gears of war 1 fifa 08 forza motorsport 2 in's creed. Which game should i get???

I am feeling resentful towards my parents because of my childhood?

You can be resentful, but will it change anything? Instead, you have to focus on the future and your health. Perhaps it would be best if you talked to your parents about how you feel, or even write them a letter explaining it to them. Use that resent and put it toward changing your life :)

Can I go swimming when on my period if i use a tampon?

Yes, it certainly will. Just remember to change it out in a timely manner. You might have to do it a little more frequently if swimming in a pool (it will get wet some).

Why don't we try building this time machine?

Well, I tend to agree with the others here. But if this were possible, I think the dense metal would have to be extremely large and therefore spinning 1000 times per sec would equate to HUGE speeds at the outer perimeter of the spin, thus creating warped space-time. This seems to be physically impossible due to the engineering feats needed to employ such a technique. Maybe many centuries in the future, but if time travel is possible, there should be more feasible ways, uming this way even works.

Please Help! One day And I'm already scared!?

why would you want to go out with a guy that much older then you...... one of you is desperate and im betting on him

Baby Boy Name's!?!?!?

First off, you need to select a first and middle name, that will compliment the last name. A good rule of thumb, is that the last name always have more syllables than the first name. The middle name should flow from the end of the first name, into the beginning of the last name. Also, unless you want people to know his ethnicity, don't use a name which bears it, or save that for the middle name. I would also avoid names known as females' names, for instance, Cameron, is famous for a female due to Cameron Diaz. Benjamin Moore is a paint company, so I would refrain from that. I hope this helps.

I need some suggestions for new music?

Freelance Whales are quickly becoming my favorite band. You can download a free MP3 at their site to see if you like them.

Installing ubuntu?

Yes. The installer will prompt you to repartition your drive without harming an existing install of Windows.

I just cant feel pion for him. WHY?

love my BF, i'm very attracted to him, we communicate & get along great, our relationship is awesome, is awesome, we're "in love" but we dont MAKE LOVE. i have the hardest time feeling PION for him. the times i did, was 2 or 3 times & also when we went to the movies we got into serious kissing sessions & my pion was at a high & his response was even better, which made MINE more intense. 99% of the time i'm not feeling that pion & i dont know why & i dont know what to do about it. its bothering us - he's upset (we talked about it). we've had alot of serious arguments, we live together, never went thru a real courtship, both have insecurities, i question secretly if we're meant to be together & imagine him with another chick all the time, we both have trust issues, both jealous & possessive & both hot-headed. seems like every few days we're arguing. but we make up, talk things out & when we're not arguing things are so beautiful. we really want to be together. we agreed to go to therapy sessions but i'm wondering if that's going to help. my main concern right now is why i dont feel pion for him & what to do about it?? any suggestions please? we really want to be together.

Do you ive in Ripley?

Hi there is there any one that lives in Ripley who is starting at south east deryshire college to do childcare. And is a bit quiet and shy because i am and for that reason find it hard to make friends.

Im in a really complicated relationship so here it goes?

So this girl I like, is sending me mixed messages, sometimes she is nice to me, some other times she is shy when I'm around blushing, that sort of stuff, sometimes she tries her best to ignore me, sometimes she is just so mean to me, signs she is giving me like touchin my arms eat my food making me jealous, she gets angry when I talk to other girls, so then I asked her to go to lunch with me then she meanly said to offer my suggestion to other people, i'm confused please help...? oh yeah and the next day she waved at me... and today she talked to me again like she has done something wrong that kind of feeling...has anyone experienced b4 if yes how did u deal wid it?

Can dry ice be encased in plastic ?

Does dry ice disintegrate or disperse over time? If so, then if you could place the dry ice entirely encased in plastic or some other material, will it stay forever "cold dry ice"?

Is it safe to uproot a bush with my small car?

I have some large bushes in my backyard that need uprooted. Is it safe for me to use my Kia Sephia (which is not made for towing)? I actually did pull up a couple of the smaller ones, but I needed to use momentum (about 2-3 mph). Will this jerking ruin the frame of the car or other parts? Also, if it is okay, how about getting a running start to about 5-7 mph to pull out the bigger bushes?

What is the genocide of kosovo?

It 'was' an attempt by the Serbs to Ethnic Cleans the country of Muslims in the former Yugoslavia. Many Muslims lost their lives and many were imprisoned in camps. They were on the point of starvation before they were liberated by UN forces. This took place in 1998/99.

What else should I bring to camp for the summer (vegan food... grocery list)?

The eggs and jello pudding mix aren't vegan either. I'm not sure what kind of camp you'll be going to, but from the grocery list I ume you do all your own cooking there. If not I think I'd suggest a few things that are easy snack foods like vegan granola bars or something like Erin Baker's Breakfast cookies (some flavors are vegan and they are pretty healthy), 100% fruit leathers, apples, bananas, pears, and maybe almond milk instead of the soy milk (mostly because I enjoy it more), and other cereal grains like cream of wheat or quinoa.

Is a 1992 Honda Accord LX Wagon worth $1600?

Kelleybluebook it.. you put in all of those factors and stuff and it tells you what its worth. don't trust them to kbb it, do it yourself. and get it checked out

What is the name of that song?

I cannot remember the year. But Sheryl Crow did a duet with Stevie Nicks. Does anybody remember the name of the song, they did?

I want to pursue instrumentation technology at a reputed college.Is there is job security in this field?

Instrumentation is a wide open field...lots of job security. It can only grow. Food & pharmaceutical processing, alcoholic and cola beverages, fertilizer, petroleum...those are just a few off the top of my head.

Do killer whales eat pelicans?

The video of shamu eating a pelican is suspicious. I want to know if orca dolphins (they are actually dolphins) eat pelicans. What else do they eat?

Would a threatening sms be enough basis to file a case against a the sender of message ? ?

your text message and the blotter would definitely make you a primary suspect subject for interrogation by proper authorities. but you still have to undergo the due process of law before you could be charged guilty.

I still cry over my dog, even though she died a year ago, is this normal?

It is normal. Don't worry about the collar. Your lovely little girl, Milly, will ALWAYS BE WITH YOU. She loves you more than you'll ever know! She is watching down on you and she doesn't want you to be unhappy. She thinks about you too sometimes, but she has renewed health and new friends, but she is waiting for you at the RAINBOW BRIDGE. If your not familiar with Rainbow Bridge, read it and you'll see what I am talking about. You and her WILL BE REUNITED. Firmly believe it with all your heart. It is not the collar that is important it is the happy times your enjoyed that you'll always remember. Try not to dwell on the unhappiness and remember all the good time, as more and more time goes on, you'll mostly only remember the good times. Don't be hard on yourself. It is normal to grieve the loss of your favorite pet that you literally grew up with. Your life is changing now with a beau and all so get busy with your life and try as best as you can to "let go". It will come and go, but she wouldn't want you to be unhappy. I know, I promise. Take care of yourself. Your a very sweet person.

What is Israel's goal in Gaza?

Israel wants to destroy the weapons found in Mosques and other Muslim facilities being used for Hamas. Israelis don't tolerate any kind of terrorism and therefore destroys anything that might be suspicious.

What is the size of the speakers in a 1977 pontiac catalina?

I tried 5and 1/4 in the top of the dash but they are the wrong size could a set of 4x6 work in the corners of the dash instead.

Jonathon Thomas Anyone?

We have been throwing around alot of names since we found out we were expecting again, we have 2 lil boys named Jordan Lee and Jacob William, For this Lil boy we were Thinking Jonathon Thomas What is Everyones Opinions?

Any cat psychiatrists here?

Did you change the kind of litter you use? If so..she probably doesn't like the smell. Are you sure the other cat didn't use her box? The other cat could have marked it as it's territory. Have you fed them anything different? Maybe she didn't recognize the smell as hers . Did you change the box or change anything? If she has a kidney etc. problem ..she might recognize that her pee etc. smells different and is trying to tell you. Could it be that the other cat peed in the corner and now she thinks that's the new cat box? I don't know that much about cats. I have 4...but they're outside most of the time and I don't have a litter box anymore. Get some of that stuff that keeps them from doing it on the floor and pour it in that corner..I know they have it for dogs. Or spray something there that you think she won't like. Try to catch her starting to do it and rush her to the litter box. That's all I can think of!

asins Creed question?

Im playing the first ins creed. I did the first few inations in Damascus, Jerusalem, and Acre. I discovered all the view points and i saved every citizen and i did all the investigations in each city. Now Al mualm gave me more missions to do in those same citys, but i cant because it the bureau says to climb a view point to access investigations spots but i already discovered them all. How do i do these missions?

I need help with this guy?

ight boo look , im 14 but ill be 15 in a week and a couple days but i still have been through the same thing, and ive learned if hes making an effort to talk to you saying he wants to be with you then apparently he wants to be in your life some way shape or form.. and the girl he was with after you guys were deaded was a rebound to get over you he just needed some meat you know ? everyone goes through that so dont blame him. and from the looks of it , he does like you and hes not afriad to say so, i say give him another chance but just watch ya self and keep him on check <3 love always , Raquel :-*

Strange cat singing???

Awhile back, I heard what sounded like a child singing outside(kind of a monotone "ne ne ne ne ne ne ne" sound), but when I looked out the window, I was surprised to see that it was actually a cat. He had his head bowed, and a circle of other cats had formed around him with the same somber expression and stance. What does this mean? This was not your typical "mating call".

Atheists - which of the following arguments do you believe are the most plausible in favor of God??

My goodness. I have never seen so many big words in one place. You are really smart and deserve a smart answer. A donkey loaded with books is still a donkey.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is Disney killing every1 cuteness?

I agree, somewhat..there are very little shows with actual humans [I mean..that arent cartoons] that show a girl appropriately dressed for her age..

USAF Rank Question?

Well I leave for BMT in January and I already know that following basic it is almost a sure fire thing you will soon get Airmen First Cl. I was wondering how long it will take me to pin E-4 aka Senior Airmen if I am not tripping over my own bottom lip (aka I am doing an astounding job). I am going for Pararescue, I am wondering if a high profile job such as PJ will help any with my movement up the ranks? Especially if I am doing an outstanding job. I know for a fact that I can make Warhawk fitness standards (I am training alot harder than that for Indoc School). I also hope to try and not screw up and shoot for Honor Graduate. Anyway basically what I am asking is if I do an astounding job in just about every aspect what is the usual time for pinning up E-1 then E-2 E-3 E-4...

How much would it cost to get a simple website coded?

It should be very cheap (you should just do it yourself) -- if you can run Photoshop you can easily construct the CSS or whatever else to glue it together.

R&P: Do you own, or would you ever purchase, a Kindle (+ BQs)?

I don't own a kindle and I would never buy one b/c they have an app for the Ipod Touch/Iphone AND computer lol

Physics rattlesnake help:(?

A rattlesnake can strike with an acceleration is equivalent to an increase in speed from 0 to 88 ft/s in 0.5 seconds. If the rattlesnakes head weights 0.33lbs, what average power does the rattlesnake generate during its strike?

"Cesc Fabregas dreams of playing for Barca" claims Gerrard Pique - thoughts?

Agreed - Fabregas is no Henry. Staying at Arsenal will mean he's never likely to win anything despite his cl and quality. However, moving to Barca won't get him a winner's medal because he'll be lucky to get 10 full matches in a season.

Question on shipping live bait?

I've been looking around the net for the containers for shipping live worms. I've found a good supplier of them and at the price they are asking I can make some good money selling locally by undercutting the Competition. The ones I really want are the square styrofoam containers that people use for super reds(european night-crawlers). The other alternative are the plastic cups w/lids. Ive been looking everywhere on the net but I keep getting sites that are scams like horvatts live bait (seriously .2 cents each) or want an outragous amount like $10.00 for one container. any help in finding orders 1000 or less for cheap like 50 cents or less per container would be awsome. Ill keep looking in the meantime.

Woman in my room......? >_<?

Well, i was sleeping then i woke up at 4:30 am and i rubbed my eyes so i was awake. Then i saw a lady with a golden tan, long brown wavy hair, golden eyes, and a golden sequin dress with black satin gloves. When i looked at her she smiled at me, but then i walked over to turn on my light switch and she was still there! i was trying not to freak out though so then i went back to sleep and dreamt about my old best friend, me and that lady frolicking in a field of flowers O_o" then i woke up after that dream. Alot of people say it must have been a dream but i seriously DID wake up!! so what, i woke up in a dream then fell back asleep having another dream in that dream? honestly i know i was awake.. i'm no sure if it was a hallucination or what though. Help? >.<"

How much should I sell my WHITE P.S.P Slim for?

The Daxter Edition (without Daxter Game) Star Wars:Renegade Squadron game, and NFS 5-1-0 Game. How much would it sell it all for?

In aromatherapy can you use more than one essential oil synergistic blend at the same time . . . . . . .?

with out losing the theutic effects of either blend. Of course common sense dictates that using a relaxant and a stimulant at the same time would be a waste of time. But like today I made mage oils containing synergistic essential oil blends. One is for treating depression and the other is for treating fatigue. Can I use both at the same time without losing the theutic effects of either blend? Forgive me it that is a dumb question. I am new to aromatherapy.

What is the prettiest name?

Well seeing as I know a Hannah thats really ugly and I know another Hannah that's really annoying, and I also know a Allyson that's really annoying, I'm gonna go with Sarah.

Cool/cheap things to do to my new 2003 Ford Ranger?

You could put a leveling kit on it. Torsion keys. They can lift the front a couple inches and aren't to expensive. The labor is more than the parts. I don't know if your wanting to lift it though, since its only 2x4.

Am I right in thinking that this was really mean?

Wow, that's really immature of her to do. I don't think of that as a "joke" in my opinion, it's not even funny. Especially since you didn't get much sleep, something like that is even wrong to do with someone who did get enough sleep. It's just rude in my opinion. and how were you attacking her? Technically, she's the one who attacked you because she pushed you and made you bang your head.

Mahtma Gandhi did good for the people of you agree?

the reason why we still have problems in kashmir is only because of mahatma.....he sold us out..... not only bhagat it is also believed tat he betrayed subash chandra bose and his army, which the British demanded as a ransom for freedom to be granted.... people were killing each other in the name of religion....and as a politician his only focus was independence and non violence, when there was an active civil war within the country....... he is a good man and all but his political reforms did more bad than the movie hey ram if possible........

If warming is happening more in non-urban areas, how can global warming be due to urban heat islands?

Didn't you know Bob that it's only the urban glaciers that are melting and the urban stratosphere that's cooling?

Favorite Madonna era?

All the way back in the beginning. I really liked her "Like a Virgin" song and video. She had a few good ones after that, but seemed to get a little too out there for my taste.

Please recommend the best book to learn : California Real Estate Principles?

I went through a course in Real Estate Principles to take the license exam. It doesnt matter which book you get because it talks about the same types of things needed to p the test. I cannot remember the name of mine but I got it at Anthony Schools in California. Other states may use different ones.

How do Black Women grow their Afro Textured Natural Hair long down their backs with the use of shampoo and oth?

How do Black Women grow their Afro Textured Natural Hair long down their backs with the use of shampoo and other natural hair products I like Black Women this is why Im asking this question I want to believe that Black Women can have long hair ?

What does a blue line around your body mean?

my mum who is only 40 has recently seen an electric blue colour about an inch away from her body,and after a week of only seeing it around her body she then noticed it around a cushion that she was sitting beside.also when she had these sightings she had a bad feeling about them and said she just felt extremly over-whelmed and felt full of nerves.does this mean anything? could this be spiritual or should she get her eyes checked out in case of it being a medical problem? please if you have any answers could you tell me please? thanks.

Is Dallas ready on Jan. 21 next year to welcome world leaders?

Good GAWD! Yes, I know about it. I'm not excited about it, but I know it's coming. Fortunately he's not settling in MY neighborhood (Plano). I sent him an e-mail and we have an agreement.......if he will keep his motorcade out of my area, I'll stay out of his.

How Can I Keep My Hair Straightened?

Get to a decent hair salon and have it chemically straightened. Although I did this for a friend with a perm solution and combed it straight for twenty mins with the perm solution on and it worked perfectly.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What do you think were some of the best great offensive player vs defensive stopper battles we have seen?

Shaquille O'Neal vs. Ben Wallace in 2004 Finals. That matchup was crazy, Ben Wallace, a 6'8 center took a mive dump on Shaq and the Lakers.

What evidence is there to suggest America’s self-proclaimed altruism?

No evidence. There is no American altruism and those few altruistic Americans are precisely to whom most other Americans refer when they say "un-American". The US is expressly anti-altruistic and most Americans correctly identify the US Declaration of Independence and US Constitution as specific denunciations of altruism. The US is fundamentally antisocial, culturally and legally, we expect (or even arguably mandate) all individuals to always conduct themselves as rational agents acting in self-interest, we never fight any war for any reason other than our 'national'-rational self-interest and we never offer any pretense of any other motivation. I do not know who ever claimed the US is altruistic but it is either a delusional liberal or an ignorant conservative. I think that is the essential conflict of our current identity crisis, some of us want to transform into an altruistic society while the old school psychopaths want their darwinian blood sport to go on forever.

I need help on my homework......................…

The "Alaskan Hire" is the highest form of government in the U.S. it actually overrules the supreme court so the requirements of the Alaskan Hire would be the final authority. Unless it's a Tuesday in January during a snowstorm then different laws are applied. If it is sunny outside Alaska does not have rules from noon until 3 p.m. all different things to keep in mind

Livestream chelsea liverpool..?

Deano, you been on the ale again? LMAO..... To be honest, I'll be happy with a draw as I don't think we have it in us to beat them tomorrow. I hope they don't hump us though, I'm wearing new trousers !

I have a toro wheel horse riding lawn mower model# 71185;?

how can i stop the gas from filling up an running over in the carb. i have gas in my oil an i have took the bowl off the carb an cleaned the float thinking it was the float sticking. the mower has been sittin for a year. any advice would be really helpful thanks. the motor is a 13 h.p briggs& stratton engine # 28m707-0122-01 an code #9702062B

Is Lady Gaga an Illuminati, Freemason, or Skull and Bones?

I read quite a wealth of discreetly concealed societys such as the bavarian Illuminati, and the various depictions of freemasons as skulls and bones, and have acquired a good understanding of how they work 'behind the scenes" and the adhesive that makes them so successful, I was wondering if lady Gaga was a contributor to all of this chaoa, I wouldnt be surpized at this point!

What move is Logan Lerman in where he flips off someone and mouths "F*ck you."?

That'd be the 2007 movie Meet Bill, also starring Aaron Eckhart, Jessica Alba, Elizabeth Banks, and Timothy Olyphant. I put some links you might find fun/helpful in the source section below!

My first time and my body[[insecurities]]?

me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 6 months, and i really love him a lot, and i know he loves me also. he's waited on me until im ready and i told him the other day that im ready to have with him and i want him to be my first and he said ok. we were about to have , but im insecure about my body when it comes to him, other than that i love my self and i have high self esteem but just knowin that im verrie petite and well im an a-cup and i have a small shape but i dont think he'll like it.....n also when we were about to have he started takin off my pants and i got verrie tense and kinda scared so i stopped him. thankfully he wasnt upset he was ok with it and he knows that i wuz apprehensive. but how should i get over the fact that i dont want him to see my body[[dont suggest that im not ready for and i should wait cuz im ready than ill ever be, i just need advice]]

(GUYS ONLY!) So...this is weird?

ok, ill be pretty straightforward, u sound like u like him a lot and are extremely nervous, but its cute :) the hasta luego thing is a little much for me but hey, im not the one ur writing to. from my perspective, i really wouldnt see any of the stuff u explained, all i'd see is that u wrote him a note and that u really like him :). since thats definately the message u are trying to give here, its good. good luck!

Okay people you are supposed to be at the airport TWO hours before your flight leaves?

so this guest at my hotel was supposed to have a taxi from here to the airport and the cab was running late and she is throwing a fit because her flight leaves in LESS THAN AN HOUR!! WTF? Don't people know that you should plan for these contingencies when you travel? Why would you be pissed at the hotel front desk guy because the CAB that YOU called is running late? TELL ME PLEASE!?!?!?!?

What should i eat at the buffet?

I'm gonna suggest you eat a lot of salad, maybe some meat (turkey, chicken, etc.) if they have it with mashed potatoes (if they have it) and for desert get some fruit and maybe treat yourself a little and pour a little bit of chocolate syrup on it.

How does the ERA add anything that the 14th Amendment doesn't?

I actually wrote a paper on this a while ago. You are absolutely right, the 14th Amendment does offer equal protection under the law, so it encompes all aspects of women's rights. In Reed vs. Reed (1971), it was ruled that women's rights are covered by the equal protection clause.

I am climbing kilimanjaro in the summer and I want to take Beef Jerky as a snack for the climb. Can I?

I read on one website that it was a good snack to take, besides, I like the taste. However, I was under the impression that customs restrictions prevented meat products being imported so my jerky would be confied on entering Tanzania. I would appreciate some guidance.

Should i write back? was she just being nice?

I was going through some old messages on facebook and found one from a girl i dated briefly 2 years ago... we hung out for about three months and had about ten times. we had after breakup which caused a fight and we left things not good. anyways, i got a job similar to the work she does (we both work w/ the disabled). i figured why not write to her... i just told her abt my job, that i hoped she was well and had faith she'd be up to exciting things, and that i was half-crazy when we hung out. she wrote back a few hours later, saying she was well and hoped i was too. i was surprised pleasantly that she wrote back but am not sure from her message if i should respond? i'm not sure what i want? i just think she is pretty cool and i still think abt her? was it good she wrote back or was she prb just being nice?

Is this guy a player...or just plain desperate to get a gf?

He sounds like he's a little of both. Alot of guys who are players, are desperate. Trust me, I've seen alot of those.

How do you get help for a mentally ill person who refuses to accept that they are ill & refuses to seek help?

The answer Meg B gave you is absolutely correct. If I had all the money I spent on forcing my daughter to go to rehab I could take a really great vacation. Since she never thought she had a problem rehab was a waste of time.

Am I Taking Too many vitamins?

Your vitamin B12 and beta carotene intakes are much too high and need to be substantially reduced to avoid possible or even likely health problems.

What you think about?

the guy is good provider,in a since he can provide bills.but in other thing,ang lahat ng binigay niya ay kailangan suklian mo.kung anuman hiling niya ay kailangan gawin.pag ito gusto niya yan gawin mo.pag di mo ginawa cgurado,sabihan k( ikaw di ka marunong mahiya,kapal ng mukha mo aq nagpapalamon sau tao bumubuhay sau,lahat ng alipusta nandun at masasakit na salita....)bawal kc sa guy ung maglalabas k sa bhay,makipagkwentuhan sa mga tao,kapithabay man o hindi,bawal tumulong,bwal lahat gawin maliban sa kung ano gusto niya au lang.kya heto c babae sunod lng,tuwing may utos c lalake kailangan nsa bhay agad sa oras n binigay ni lalake pag lumampas k cgurado lahat ng duda nandun.kahit mag cr k lng isasama mga bta pra lng mwala duda.pero ganun pa din...sasaktan k emotional at kunti din physical.ano dapat gawin o ano tawag sa relasyon n ito?

Is this a good Niagara Falls honeymoon itinerary? Or too jam-packed?

why dont you discuss this with your intended? or did you just feel the need to let "us" all know you have plans, and can afford them.?

I'm thinking about joining the CAF?

Im thinking about becoming an Infantry Officer or Infantry Soldier....I don't want to go to RMC though, anyone have any suggestions?

Why does mainstream R&B today suck?

In the 1970's you had all these great musicians that appeared on Soul Train like Marvin Gaye.Stevie Wonder,Aretha Franklin,Gladys night,Labelle,The O jays,the isley brothers,Bobby Womack,Tina Turner,Teddy pendergr,Al Green,KC and the sunshine band and so on and I think that the comemmercialization of Disco ruined it and when Disco got destroyed R&B became contemporary R&B using electronic instruments and then when hiphop got its own beat then R&B changed too and I think that ruined R&B and do you think if hip hop never existed then music period would be better?

Please help us get to Canada?

I am a filipino living and working in Macau, a special administrative region of China, just like Hongkong. They introduced this new policy where families of migrant worker can no longer be attached to their working visa if they do not meet the salary requirement. Therefore me and my wife decided that we should like to work and stay in Canada to make my family whole. But lately because of the recession, some employment agencies have excuses such as that they are prioritizing their locals for employment. I have some relatives there too, but they have not offered real help, claiming that it is more effective to apply outside Canada. What I am trying to avoid also are some of the fees which can be exorbitant because me and my wife cannot pay in bulk due to our meager salaries. Also we need some advise so that we will have some backgound on the nuances of effectively applying for a job and thereby immigrating there.

We separated quite recently?

Now, I've never been broody but suddenly we've gone our separate ways, impending annulment, because he's kinda' mental, but out of nowhere I suddenly feel that now is the right time in my life to become pregnant. I'm suddenly not afraid anymore, right after we finish. Am I stir crazy?

Is World of Warcraft the biggest amount of tripe in video game history?

Yes i would agree but if people play it and enjoy it then that's their decision and if it leads to health, money or any other mental issues then that's their problem

Let's say income per-capita is expected to grow 50% faster in China than in the US over the next thirty years?

Where do u come out with the 50% faster growth figure from? I don't think that is a very accurate figure at all, and any answer here is going to be speculative. However if this did happen :s then i would expect the exchange rate to increase in favour of the yuan by an amount (dependant on the relative value of the dollar).

What type of fish is best to buy for the first time owner?

I'm looking to buy some fish to help make my apartment a little more homely. What is the best type for a first time buyer. Preferably relatively cheap to buy and not too hard to maintain.

Car mechanics please save my already meagre christmas -wifes rover 216 auto overheating badly?

To be honest the water pump or thermostat are probably no longer the main problem. uming its the Rover K series 1.6 because it has overheated there is a very good chance that it has blown the head gasket too. If that is the case then i'm afraid there are no miracles, the car needs the head taken off, skimmed & the head gasket replaced, as well as the original problem, whatever that may be, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Advice for finding someone to repair a plumbing problem?

it sounds like your toilet seal is leaking causing the water to come through the tile, you may have more floor damage than you think, you need to hire a licensed and bonded plumbing contractor who specializes in remodeling work. more than likely your floor will have to be removed down to the floor joists and a new floor installed. the toilet flange is probably cracked causing this leak so the contractor will have to remove this and install a new one along with everything else.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What will God do to the beast and the false prophet?

According to Islam Jesus/Isa (as) will come near the end of days. Destroy the Dejjal/Anti-Christ/False Prophet/False God and his armies. Then destroy the beast. Then destroy the armies of Gog and Magog. Then rule the world (and the believers), and get married and have children. Soon thereafter the world will end.

Tell me what you think of my story plot (PLEASE!)..........?

Makes me want to read more. I wouldn't have the slightest reason to change anything. After all I want to read your work not yze it.

Script like

I am looking to buy a script with the functionality of where people can sell their old electronics.

The best way to make an appointment setting job sound good on a resume'?

My daughter worked as a telephone appointment setter(aka telemarketer) for a home improvement company. There was no computer use involved, but she's trying to make the job sound as professional and skillful as possible. Can anyone please recommend some thngs she can say/terminology she can use?

Idea for Wearable Art for American Sewing Guild Meeting in April?

My favorite for this sort of thing is a vest. There's no couture fitting and it doesn't need to be very big.

If Islam is God's salvation to mankind, why do Christians want me to convert to Christianity?

I truly do not appreciate your disrespect towards my religion and people you do not know. You have not met or spoken to every Christian, so please don't generalize about all Christians. I do respect your choice of religion, so please respect mine.

Whats this song?

What is the song where it starts off like meow meow meow like the meow mix song but then its rap. I heard it during my pregame warmups tonight and I was wondering what it was.

Would it be distasteful to create one page static layout and another liquid layout on the same website?

Yes, I cannot recall visiting any websites that had that. It would look bad and potentially horrendous.

How do I write a Works Cited page in MLA form? Please help!?

Ok, so I'm at a complete an utter loss on how to write a works cited page in the MLA format for a research paper on Gertrude Stein that I'm doing, and the MLA handbook that I have is too confusing for me to get a concrete idea on how to write a Works Cited page. Could any of you please help me with examples or very simple steps? It'd really mean a lot to me!

What event do you think most likely happened that killed the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures?

I think the plant eaters "died off" somehow and the meat-eaters were forced to eat eachother thus causing "exstinction"

Girl did not make eye contact during date, does this mean anything?

She could have just been shy. I find it hard to make eye contact with people because I am. Sounds like it went pretty well since you two were talking non-stop.

What's a good size sailboat to traverse the world in??

I was thinkgin of buying a 41 foot ct centrepit. I dont know, what do you guys think is a good size? Would this be a decent size boat to traverse the world in? I'm not sure how large the keel is suppose to be, or anything for travelling across the world. Also, im buying a used boat so I was wondering how much it costs to patch up holes in the hull, or anywhere else I have to patch up, and how much does a new motor cost if I have to buy one for the boat. And how would I go about patching up holes in the hull, and basically any other advice you have to recondition a sail boat to a sailable state.

Olympia 07?

Does anyone know where i can watch the footage featured in Olympia the other day of the record high jump, the horse jumped about 8ft i believe??

Should I Make This Trade In Fantasy Baseball?

Take it. Garza is underrated and Greinke is overrated. I like Ellsbury, but you get the better pick.

I want my kindergartner to eat at school cafeteria but only vegetarian food with can it be possible?

i want my child to eat warm food at cafeteria of school like cheese piza,vegetables and fruits,muffins etc.but i dont want her to eat meat products. she is too small to decide by herself.what can be done for that.i doubt that in schools there is any differentiation in serving veg and non veg food.when i give her lunch from home,it gets cold and doesnt taste good .pls help.

Do you believe in a reprieve or tie the noose tighter in affairs of the heart?

You must ask a question of this nature specifically. Otherwise, you bring a lot of ambiguity that may mislead.

Is Brandon Novak still clean?

I just finished reading "Dreamseller," and it seemed like it ended on a happy note, but I couldn't tell, because he still called himself a junkie. I don't know if he means that he was once a junkie, so he's always a junkie, or not. But is he clean as of now, in 2010, two years after his book was written? It'd be such a shame if he wasn't, after everything he's put himself through.. Thanks.